Concrete and Other Hard Surfaces

Have you ever washed your car and left bugs stuck all over the front?  Let’s think of your driveway, sidewalk, and patios as bugs stuck all over your house.  There isn’t much else to be said, other than your clean house can be overpowered by the years of dirt, grime, and mildew collected on the concrete’s surface.  Not to mention any mildew growth will eventually become algae growth and create a slip hazard, which will endanger your family and friends.

Beware of other companies or doing it yourself.  Have you ever seen those unsightly stripes left behind?  These are commonly known as zebra stripes and are easily prevented with a little knowledge and the proper equipment.  Concrete etching and brick damage are also common mistakes of companies whoare unaware of the potential damage and lack the knowledge of correctly cleaning these surfaces.What are you doing this weekend? What could take several hours, of your free time, will be done before you get home from work.  What are you doing this weekend? What could take several hours, of your free time, will be done before you get home from