Concrete Cleaning and Other Hard Surfaces

Have you ever washed your car and left bugs stuck all over the front?  Let’s think of your driveway, sidewalk, and patios as bugs stuck all over your house.  There isn’t much else to be said, other than your clean house can be overpowered by the years of dirt, grime, and mildew collected on the concrete’s surface.  Not to mention any mildew growth will eventually become algae growth and create a slip hazard, which will endanger your family and friends.

Beware of other companies or doing it yourself.  Have you ever seen those unsightly stripes left behind?  These are commonly known as zebra stripes and are easily prevented with a little knowledge and the proper equipment.  Concrete etching and brick damage are also common mistakes of companies whoare unaware of the potential damage and lack the knowledge of correctly cleaning these surfaces.What are you doing this weekend? What could take several hours, of your free time, will be done before you get home from work.  What are you doing this weekend? What could take several hours, of your free time, will be done before you get home from work.


Dirt, filth, and mildew has taken over your once vibrant home. Our job is to help you, with this situation.  Let’s start with a FREE CONSULTATION, to discuss exactly what can be done. We take pride  in our work and do our utmost to care for your property, as if, it were our own.  Some areas can forego being power washed. For example; windows and door jams get washed by  hand, with a bucket of soap water and rinsed with the garden hose, to prevent damage and water  leakage. The cleaners we use are safe for all surfaces. Our pre-soak, brush, and rinse method of cleaning reduces risk of damage to all types of painted wood, stucco, and vinyl surfaces. Don’t worry about the affect on your flower beds or lawns. We only use Eco-friendly cleaners, that are biodegradable and plant friendly.

Now that we’ve built ourselves up to sound like flawless super heroes, let us say that we are aware  of our responsibilities to you. We will let you know if the building is too tall for us to leap in a single  bound and accidents do occasionally happen. There is no sense in stringing you along and not  completing the job to your satisfaction – this would be bad for both of us. If something is damaged, we have game plans to resolve these types of issues. Whether it comes from our very own pocket  & elbow grease or an insurance claim must be made, any unforeseen issues will be promptly taken care of.

Curb Appeal
Do you enjoy coming home from a stressful day at work, to a clean and relaxing living room? Start  the emotional relaxing process as soon as you pull up to your freshly cleaned home.

Enhance your outdoor activities, by enjoying them without looking around & thinking how this &  that could use a good cleaning – let’s start with the house and work our way down to the grime that has built up around the patio or pool area, driveway, and front entrance.

Long-lasting Investment
Prevent the damaging effects of dirt, algae, grime, mold, and mildew. These contaminants will expedite rot, decay, & visual deterioration, of your home’s exterior.

Personal Safety
Have you ever lost your footing on algae, that is growing on brick or concrete walkways? Algae is  can be a slip hazard to your family, friends, and neighbors. Our professional cleaning services will  eliminate this risk of injury.

All of the above are excellent reasons to call Drake’s Pressure Washing, but the best reason of all is  the over-all feel good effect, that is sure to enhance your life-style.

Selling your house?
Investing a little can net you thousands in return, not to mention a possible faster sale. Selling your house is all about creating the WOW EFFECT. Consider your potential buyer is looking at many different houses, that probably have similar styles and floor plans.  Your house will be the one that makes a great impression simply by cleaning the driveway, sidewalks, gutters, siding, patio, etc. We’ll bet you’ve done all you can to make the inside look & feel inviting…let us help you create that “like new home” the buyer will.


Whether your a small business owner or in charge of a Fortune 500, I’m sure you sometimes feel that everything is on your shoulders? I too am familiar with this overwhelmed feeling, of the list is only growing. Over the years I’ve learned to be in two places, micro-manage, and do things that I never thought I could do.  One of the most valuable things I’ve learned is to find the correct person for the job.  In this case, we can be that person for you. Our job is to help you with your job – customer satisfaction.

First Impressions
What’s the first thing customers experience? The parking lot & front entrance. Are your front entrance and parking lot clean and inviting? Why hope the customer comes inside to hit them with the WOW FACTOR! Having a successful business is all about making sure the customer has the best possible experience, whether it’s shop- ping, dining, celebrating, or having a root canal. Statistics report that 50% of all new customers are attracted or distracted by curb appeal.

Parking Lots & Sidewalks
Have you ever washed your car and left bugs stuck all over the front? Let’s think of your dirty parking lot and sidewalks as bugs stuck all over your business. There isn’t much else to be said, other than your clean windows and spectacular signage can be overpowered by the years of dirt, grime, gum spots, and oil stains.

Beware of other companies or doing it yourself.  Have you ever seen those unsightly stripes left behind, after pressure washing concrete?  These are commonly known as zebra stripes and are easily prevented with a little knowledge and the proper equipment.

Don’t forget your staff. Arriving to a professionally cleaned work environment is sure to pump up staff enthusiasm, which results in plenty of happy customers. It could also prompt them to tell everyone where they work = free advertising.

Let us help you create an inviting & stress-free experience, for everyone.

Long-lasting Investments
“No matter how great the chef is, I keep thinking that vermin don’t mind living in filth. Maybe we can try that cleaner looking restaurant that’s closer to home.”

Expand this thought to whatever your business is and look around at the:
• customer entrance
• designated outdoor smoking areas
• valet stations
• general public areas
• dumpster areas
• receiving/shipping areas
• loading docks
• warehouses
• rarely used areas around the side
…and anything we didn’t think of, at this moment.

Prevent the damaging effects of dirt, algae, grime, mold, and mildew. These contaminants will expedite rot, decay, & visual deterioration, of your building’s exterior.

Personal Safety
Have you ever lost your footing on algae, that is growing on brick or concrete? What about spills that were not cleaned up properly or at all? These issues could result in serious hazards to cus- tomers, and staff. Our professional cleaning services will eliminate these issues, that could result in long-term physical and financial problems.

Before/After Patio

House Cleaning

Dirt, filth, and mildew has taken over your once vibrant home.  Our job is to help you, with
this situation.  Let’s start with a FREE CONSULTATION, to discuss exactly what needs to
be done and what should not be done.  We take pride in our work and do our utmost to
care for your property, as if, it were our own.

Some areas can forego being power washed.  For example; windows and door jams get
washed by hand, with a bucket of soap water and rinsed with the garden hose, to prevent
damage and water leakage.

The cleaners we use are safe for all surfaces and if there is any doubt we test a small area
to be sure no damage will be done.  Our pre-soak, brush, and rinse method of cleaning
prevents damage to all types of painted wood, stucco, and vinyl surfaces.  Don’t worry
about the health of your flower beds or lawns.  We only use Eco-friendly cleaners, that
are biodegradable and plant friendly.

Now that we’ve built ourselves up to sound like flawless super heroes, let us say that we
are aware of our responsibilities to you.  If something is or appears to be beyond the scope
of our abilities we will let it be known and accidents do occasionally happen.  There is no
sense in stringing you along and then not completing the job to your satisfaction – this
would be bad for both of us.  If something was to be damaged, we have game plans to
resolve these types of issues.  Whether it comes from our very own pocket & elbow grease
or an insurance claim must be made, any unforeseen issueswill be promptly taken care of.

Floor/Deck Cleaning





Some of the most commonly overlooked parts of every property when it comes to creating a welcoming first impression are the driveway, sidewalk & walkways. The driveway is usually the first thing visitors are greeted by when arriving at your home. Neighbors travel the sidewalk on their way over to watch the game and everyone who visits follows a walkway to your door.

Most people that hear the reasons for cleaning concrete, asphalt, stone & any other type of driveway, sidewalk and walkway agrees that this would definitely make a difference to the look of their home and make it more inviting to guests.

Also, one of the most important factors that hasn’t been mentioned yet is how much more pleasant and welcoming a property improvement like this can make for you!

There is no better feeling than seeing your house when coming home from a hard day at work. That is why cleaning driveways and walk paths is an important part of every property cleanup that should never be overlooked again. You get the benefit of presenting your home to family and guest as a well kept dwelling along with the bonus of being greeted by a place you will be proud to call your home.


Is the exterior of your home being over run by the growth of algae, mold and mildew or is it just plain dirty? If so, you’re not alone so don’t be discouraged. Cleaning the exterior of a home is a huge chore, especially for someone that doesn’t have the proper pressure washer or doesn’t know which cleaner is the right one for the job. Other factors include time and physical conditioning.

This might sound all too familiar and most likely, it is. Power washing houses may be hard for a DIY enthusiast but the time and effort is very rewarding. Not just in the sense of having a beautiful home that looks years younger, but from the aspect of your properties value, which is greatly increased by power washing a home properly.

Power washing houses is a smart investment and does several things other than make a home look beautiful. One of the most important, as mentioned earlier, is increased value of your property.

Other things include making a lasting impression on guest, family and even strangers that happen to ride by your home on the way to work. Sure this doesn’t put money in the bank, but if you decide to sell your home, the work done and money spent will earn you far more than the power washing cost you.